Monday, March 23, 2009

Monster Sushi

OK another kaitenzushi post . . . this place is called Kappa Sushi.

Kappa is a monster that lives in the water maybe a rabid turtle or creature from the black lagoon or something. But, as you can see from the sign, this is a kinder gentler kappa. The restaurant is more of a family type place.

It's more industrial, less personal but each plate is only 100 yen. The food quality was average. Fresh cold fish and warm rice again so you really cant go wrong but gut feel was the fish was fresher last night at Kozo. This place did though have aji (spanish mackerel) which actually was super fresh and the pieces were large so I was quite happy about that. They had a wider variety of things than other places but the hamachi was better elsewhere and I didnt see any of the higher grade tuna's on the menu. but and if you have kids its very entertaining.

There is a truly unique feature that makes this place "wicked pissah" as they say at home.

So at most kaitenzushi places they have specials that you have to request. You can also request from the normal fare in case what you really want hasnt been making the conveyor rounds. Typically this actualy requires human interaction which can sometimes be problematic for introverted non-Japanese speakers like myself.

At Kappa Sushi though at each table there is a touch screen menu ordering system (see my crappy pic to the left). You just pick what you want from the menu, sushi, drinks, soup, desserts, and push the "place order" button.

Now comes the cool part . . . the chefs in the kitchen make your order and send it to you by a miniature Shinkansen. So here's a video of my aji arriving by train . . .

What did I tell you? Wicked pissah, right?!

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